Destination Imagination (DI) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose vision is to teach students the creative process and empower them with the skills needed to succeed in an ever-changing world. Their mission is to develop opportunities that inspire the global community of learners to utilize diverse approaches in applying 21st century skills and creativity.
In other words, DI is a creative problem solving organization dedicated to teaching children to innovate, think deeply, develop effective communication skills and teamwork skills. DI is an activity where children work in teams of 3-7 to solve a published challenge that addresses many of the STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) subjects. The solutions to these challenges require children to do research and stretch their creativity as they design an answer to their challenge that must be presented in a short skit (up to 8 minutes.) Solutions are presented at a Regional Tournament in March to a panel of appraisers and an audience of family, friends and other DI-ers.
DI is managed by Destination Imagination Headquarters (DIHQ) in New Jersey, which creates the challenges, the rules, and supports all affiliate organizations, including programs in 48 states and 30 other countries, serving more than 200,000 children per year. While DIHQ has a few paid staff, DI is primarily volunteer driven, with 30,000 adults volunteering to create wonderful learning opportunities for our students.
For more information, see DI’s website.