On Thursday of last week, Andover, North Andover, and Lawrence had an unprecedented disaster occur as gas leaks and explosions rocked the community. Many of our Destination Imagination friends were impacted by the event and continue to be without natural gas. Conversely, many of us are fortunate to have had our power and natural gas services restored. For those affected however, as of this moment, it is unclear how long they will be without natural gas and therefore unclear how long they will be without common things like hot water for showers and a stove to cook hot meals.
In response to those dramatic events, Challenge Me, Inc. is calling upon the entire Andover Destination Imagination community to be part of an ongoing relief effort by doing what we, as participants, managers, and parents in the Destination Imagination program do so well….solve problems and serve others.
Specifically, we are creating a list of issues our Challenge Me, Inc. community is and will be facing if this crisis continues for one week, two weeks, a month, maybe into cold weather. We don’t know how long this will last….so, we are asking you to help us do some planning, in fact, two specific things
1) Help us create a list of current and future needs that may arise for those in our Challenge Me, Inc. community who are without natural gas service,
2) Help us create a list of potential resources such as electric cooking utensils, crock pots, blankets, space heaters, and more, that you have and would be willing to loan.
Think of this as a living registry of the needs those without natural gas service will have tied to a registry of what each of us can loan or donate to those who have the need.